COMMERCIAL GALLERY - Pinceladas Casa de Arte

COMMERCIAL GALLERY - Pinceladas Casa de Arte

Located on Quito between Bernardo Valdiviezo and Bolivar, this gallery packs a lot of contemporary art into a small space. As a bonus, there is also a complete art supply store with everything available from the canvas right on through to the framing. The owner - Yorqui Llacxaguanga Ramírez - is a world-class artist in his own right and offers classes.

Open hours:
Monday through Friday:  9 am - 1 pm, and 2 pm - 7 pm
Saturday:  9 am - 1 pm
Sunday:  closed

Telephone:  +593 07 258-1326, or +593 098 772-1002

Art supplies store

On Calle Quito between Bernardo Valdiviezo and Bolivar


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