ARTIST - Geovanni Macas*

Exterior sculpture on the Church of the Divine Child ARTIST - Geovanni Macas Studied at Universidad Nacional de Loja (UNL). Geovanni works in oils and watercolors and even creates murals but we are focusing in on one particular sculptural work for our blog post. This image of the Divine Child expresses the innocent joy of youth and smaller versions (MUCH smaller versions) of the image can be found reproduced in stickers and posters that grace some of the local buses. The scale of the completed figure is difficult to grasp but one can get a sense of it by observing the carving work being done to the face (image below). A large project but meticulously executed in detail - it is obvious this was a work of love. The church is located on the corner of Calle Francia and Avenida de los Paltas.