
Showing posts from September, 2018

ARTIST - Geovanni Macas*

Exterior sculpture on the Church of the Divine Child ARTIST - Geovanni Macas Studied at Universidad Nacional de Loja (UNL). Geovanni works in oils and watercolors and even creates murals but we are focusing in on one particular sculptural work for our blog post. This image of the Divine Child expresses the innocent joy of youth and smaller versions (MUCH smaller versions) of the image can be found reproduced in stickers and posters that grace some of the local buses.  The scale of the completed figure is difficult to grasp but one can get a sense of it by observing the carving work being done to the face (image below). A large project but meticulously executed in detail - it is obvious this was a work of love. The church is located on the corner of Calle Francia and Avenida de los Paltas.

ARTIST - Jimmy Simbaña*

ARTIST - Jimmy Simbaña Studied at the Universidad Técnica Particular De Loja (UTPL). Recent exhibitions include Desnudo , Promises of Art (Promesas), Expo Mascaras III, and Debarro.

ARTIST - Judith Pineda*

"Myself and time" ARTIST - Judith Pineda Studying art at the Universidad Nacional de Loja (UNL). Recent exhibitions include "i-real" (held at  La Casa de Manuel ), and Arte Mujer VI ( Sala Eduardo Kingman Gallery ). "Come Libros" "Eat Books"

ARTIST - Gaizka Andreé Cueva Jara*

ARTIST - Gaizka Andreé Cueva Jara   (1994 - ) Recent curator of exhibitions for the gallery at the City Gate of Loja (Puerta de la Ciudad). Studied art and design at UTPL. Vice President of ASOARTES (Association of Ecuadorian Artists, Writers and Cultural Promoters). Also serves as graphic and creative designer at Oderbiz Marketing & Connectivity. Solo sculpture exhibition “Quimeris Metamórficus” (Metamorphic Chimeras) at City Gate, 2019. Recent press coverage in La Hora . @gaizkaandree (Twitter)  (Blog)

ARTIST - Eduardo Jiménez*

“The migratory whirlwind” “El torbellino migratorio” (2014) ARTIST - Eduardo Jiménez Eduardo makes fascinating tactile creations employing short lengths of knotted string to represent people, which are then placed into context on paintings or three-dimensional sculptures. His work speaks to the constant movement (migration) of world people always looking for someplace better. “The migrants' boat” “La barca de los migrantes” (2012) Mural at Coliseo Ciudad De Loja Photo by Arte del Sur

ARTIST - Agusto Arteaga Galdeman*

Bust of decapitated Saint John the Baptist  in polychrome clay ARTIST - Agusto Eduardo Arteaga Galdeman Talented young Lojano artist (born 1997) using the historical approach to learning art techniques by copying the masters, and then exploring off into his own vision. Works in clay, oils, graphite drawing, acrylic modeling. And a musician, too! Currently studying art at Universidad Nacional de Loja (UNL). Pedro Pablo Rubens, by Agusto Arteaga Galdeman "El Martirio de San Andrés" (The Martyrdom of St. Andrew), 2018

ARTIST - Alicia González*

“Hojarasca” "Litter" (2014) ARTIST - Alicia Margarita González Tenezaca Alicia takes her inspiration from the flora and trees of Nature, rendering their essence in atmospheric impressions rather than stark reality. She works in both oils and acrylics to achieve different ends. "Every one of my paintings is like a son created from my hands, from a very young age I have had an intimate contact with nature and today it is reflected in my works." “El llanto de los bosques” "The Weeping of the Woods" (2005) Photo by Arte del Sur

ARTIST - Maria Dolores Coronel*

“Máscaras simples máscaras” (2014) ARTIST - María Dolores Coronel Salas Recent exhibitions include "Women in Art" (2015), “XV Binational of Plastic and Visual Arts” (2017), and "VI Collective Exhibition Arte-Mujer" (2018). Member of the Association of Plastic Artists of Loja (AAPL). "Chacana" (2009) Email: Photo by Arte del Sur

ARTIST - Angel Aguilar*

"Rostros del futuro" (1987) ARTIST - Angel Braulio Aguilar Masaco  Studied artistic drawing and painting at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). Gallery owner of Galeria De Arte "Aguilar."  He considers his art to have developed from 1980 through six stages, the current stage being called "Abstract Eclectic." His work has been exhibited throughout Ecuador, plus Brazil, Bolivia, Chile and Spain. His works are held in numerous private and public collections around the world. Angel has authored three books: "Las artes plasticas del siglo XX en Loja" (The visual arts of the twentieth century in Loja) "Aplicacion del Diseño Estructural Tridimensional en la Escultura Contemporánea" (Application of three-dimensional structural design in contemporary sculpture) "Trotamundos" (Globetrotters) Phone:  +593 098 583-7407 email: ...

Murals and Street Art ~ Decoration of the Built Environment

Mural by Salvador Bustamante, painted over by municipal authorities in 2018 Murals and Street Art One need not go far in Loja to encounter contemporary art - many walls throughout the city are host to a variety of visuals. The history of murals in Loja dates back into the 19th century with interior decoration of the churches. Murals have been used as a means to publically tell stories about history, religion, politics, and folklife since then. The contemporary art that we consider today as more "typical" large-scale muralistic decoration in the city began in the early 1970's. You will still discover "official" (government sponsored) murals depicting historical figures and events, but the more exciting finds crop up in unexpected places - like temporary barrier walls around construction sites, people's privately walled gardens, playgrounds, and other unique areas. You will also come across interior murals in quite a number of buildings. While som...

ARTIST - Ashly Curay*

"Cosmos" ARTIST - Ashly Curay Studied at Instituto Superior Tecnológico Daniel Alvarez Burneo. Ashly has developed a unique style that combines inked lines with carefully placed splashes of watercolors. Recent exhibitions include " Desnudo ," "Simbiosis," “Constelaciones,” and "Women in Art." Works are available for purchase at the El Grito Gallery. This link goes to a video of her process hosted on Instagram: "Deseo" “I wish”

GALLERY - Galeria De Arte "Aguilar"

GALLERY - Galeria De Arte "Aguilar" Lots of art in one place. Majority of paintings by the owner Angel Aguilar, who offers art instruction courses for children during summer vacation from school. Reported open hours: Monday through Saturday:  8 am - 7 pm Sunday:  closed Phone:  +593 098 583-7407 email: Facebook messenger: On Lourdes, corner of Antonio José de Sucre, Loja, Ecuador

ARTIST - Sol Rojas Jaramillo*

ARTIST - Sol Rojas Jaramillo Studied art and design at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). Recent shows include Expo Desnudo (2018), Arte Mujer V (2017). "The Lord" (pencil on cardboard)

ARTIST - Rubén Darío Astudillo Ortega*

ARTIST - Rubén Darío Astudillo Ortega Young artist with tremendous talent for modeling and aspirations to enter the field of cinematic make-up special effects. Most of the time he uses his grandfather as the subject. Alas, none of his excellent work has been offered for sale to date.

ARTIST - Tamara Jima*

"Gato come peces" “Cat eats fish” (2016) ARTIST - Tamara Silvana Jima Gonzalez Studied art and design at the Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). Tamara employs line and color to create images of fantasy and whimsy (be sure to check out her Instagram postings). Tamara's thesis for her degree - "Fantasy and movement generated by clean energies, in sculpture" - is available  online here  (text in Spanish). It is a fascinating review of automatons throughout history up to, and including, their use today. The image above from the thesis shows Tamara's completed metal sculpture with revolving fish. “Niña remolacha y su cuervo” “Beet girl and her raven” (2018) Photo by Arte del Sur

PUBLIC GALLERY - City Gate of Loja (Museo Puerta de la Ciudad)

PUBLIC GALLERY - City Gate of Loja (Museo Puerta de la Ciudad) Mission statement: “To promote the arts and provide the artist with the right physical and modern space to promote the various cultural manifestations of plastic arts, through high quality traveling exhibitions.” Spread vertically over three floors are three exhibition areas. New exhibits monthly. Open hours: Monday to Friday:  8 am to 8 pm Saturdays:  9 am to 8 pm Sundays:  9 am to 7 pm Phone: +593 07-258-7122 Location: The intersection of Av. Universitaria, Sucre, and 18 de Noviembre

ARTIST - Danny Sarango

"Desnudo" ARTIST - Danny Gabriel Sarango Danny likes to focus on the face and the figure, bringing his own unique vision to his fantasy work while also creating superb hyper-real images in graphite and pastel drawings, too. His figures may sport angelic wings, halos, and be accompanied by mythological beasts or present the sensual aspects of flesh without crossing the line into eroticism. "Anciana del Peru" Phone: +593 098 135-8310