
Showing posts from November, 2018

ARTIST - Anabel Robles

ARTIST - Anabel Robles Recent exhibitions include "VI Collective Exhibition Arte-Mujer" 2018 in the Sala Eduardo Kingman , and "Wabi-Sabi" in the Casona Cultural 2018. "Esencia" (Essence)

ARTIST ~ Eduardo Kingman

"Mano Grande" (Big Hands), 1981 ARTIST - Eduardo Kingman Riofrío  (1913 - 1997) Born in Loja, Eduardo is known as "the painter of hands" and was regarded as one of the masters of twentieth century expressionism.   He studied at the School of Fine Arts in Quito, with stops in Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, and in the United States at the San Francisco Art Institute.  Eventually he received a chair at the same institute, was the director of Quito's Colonial Art Museum, and a owned private gallery also in Quito.  While living in Quito, he became the protege of other famous Lojanos like writers Bejamin Carrion and Pablo Palacio.  His lithographs, woodcuts, and paintings concentrated on the social realities of Ecuador's indigenous people.  The artisit's deeply humanistic style captured the range of emotions from anguish, anger, and impotence in the face of injustice, to the quieter feelings of tenderness and devotion.  As well as painting, Eduardo ...

ARTIST - Carlos Fabian Vega

“In - Perfilado” (In Profile) ARTIST - Carlos Fabián Vega Jiménez Studied Art and Design at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL).

ARTIST - Diego Vinicio Espinosa Aguirre

Christ the Redeemer ARTIST - Diego Vinicio Espinosa Aguirre   (1970 - ) Studied Fine Art at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). We'll call Diego an "exterior artist" since most all of his works are located outdoors. He creates monuments, murals, busts and stained glass windows using a variety of materials that include copper, bronze, aluminum, fiberglass, ferro cement, cast cement and, of course, glass.  Originally a painter and muralist, he began sculpting in earnest in 1995.  His accessible style has garnered a plethora of public and private commissions in Loja and throughout the country.  It is impossible to tour Ecuador without seeing his work. Quite a few of the artist's monuments are three-dimensional symbols for the cities or towns where they are installed, such as an ear of corn, birds endemic to the area, a giant ant, a pack mule, etc. His busts and statues of famous people include musicians, politicians, clergy, physicians, and even S...

ARTIST - Patricio Vega Arrobo

ARTIST - Patricio Vega Arrobo  (1987 - ) Studied at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). Coordinador and manager at Forjando El Arte, and manages the Book Patch in San Sebastion . Also administrator of the Cromosoma Lunatico  (Lunatic Chromosome) blog about the "art chromosome," a project of the Letra Fuego Art and Culture Collective. Patricio's first passion is poetry and wordsmithing (and especially helping others to get published) but he is also passionate about the visual arts.

ARTIST - Luis Angel Conza

"Por la boca muere el pez" (by the mouth dies the fish) ARTIST - Luis Ángel Conza Chuquimarca, aka Conza Luis KtanaAc Bachelor of Fine Arts from Universidad Nacional de Loja (UNL). Currently owner/manager of the workshop and gallery KSARTE. Lives in Cariamanga, Loja province. According to Dennys Villalta: “Many paintings show characters, animals and even fruits without their protective layer. Conza makes reference to the interior of things, to our equality as individuals, we do not all have the same color of skin, eyes or hair, but we all have an aorta or a sternocleidomastoid muscle. He tears our skin to show our interior without mysticism, only as humans, he removes our masks and arrogates us to the world, he launches us without our armor, without ideologies, without prejudice.”

ARTIST - Favio Caraguay

"Yakumama" (Mother), acrylic on canvas ARTIST - Favio Caraguay From Loja province, now living in Quito. Studied Interior Design and Plastic Arts at Loja Unida. Studied Anthropology and Art at the University of Cuenca and achieved a Master of Visual Arts at the Cuenca University. Currently a profesor at Universidad San Francisco of Quito, and a shamanic artist at Caraguay . Artist's statement: "My artistic work has been characterized at all times by using the languages ​​of drawing, painting and photography. The development of the work arises from having direct contact with the transformations of radical cycles of nature in the dry forest of Mangahúrco and from the approach with the pre-Columbian work of the original peoples of the Paltas." “Homenaje al maestro Manuel Serrano” (Tribute to master Manuel Serrano)

ARTIST - Carlos Valarezo

"Synthesis II" ARTIST - Carlos Valarezo   (1991 - ) Studied at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). Currently designer, architect and co-manager (with his wife Nelva Reinozo) for Ensamble , and for Valarezo & Reinozo. "Hypnotic Nausea" Wooden lamps (from recycled pallet scraps)

ARTIST - Velp Velp

“Espiral cósmica” (Cosmic spiral) ARTIST - Velp Velp (Victor Lima) Studied Art at Universidad Nacional de Loja (UNL). General Manager/Owner of CartoneCrafts  (artistic creations, crafts, design, handicrafts and more in cardboard). Recent exhibitions include "Transformando Ideas" (Transforming Ideas) in the Sala Angel Ruben Garrido  2018. Artist's statement: “The idea is not to live forever, the idea is to create something that does.” “Degeneracion Urbana” (Urban degeneration) Sketch for engraving.

ARTIST - Juanito Flores

“Torero de Corazon” (Bull of Heart), in terracota ARTIST - Juanito Flores Studied at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). Recent exhibitions include Expo Mascara III 2017; demonstration expo "Clay in the Hands" 2017. Artist's statement: "Art fascinates me and music entertains me." self-portrait, in oil, referencing Gerardo Sacristan

ARTIST - Kalho Depiedra / Jairo Piedra

“Elementos básicos de la naturaleza” (Basic elements of nature), acrylic ARTIST - Kalho Depiedra, aka Jairo Piedra   (1987 - ) Studied Art and Design at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). I guess this is a two-for-one situation. One artist, two names, and producing volumes of work as if there really are two different people. Kalho/Jairo uses the color palette to great effect. Well worth your time looking further into his/their imagery. Portrait (decorated with pre-Columbian, femininity and nature) Click here for the magazine article available online

ARTIST - Dave Saritama

“Llena eres de gracia y el señor nunca este contigo”  (Full of grace and the Lord never is with you), acrylic on fabric ARTIST - Dave Saritama (Acid Dave) Studied Art and Design at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). In addition to creating works of art, Dave also occasionally offers drawing classes at the  Madriguera Café - Art Shop . Recent exhibitions include "Emerging Artists" 2017, "Pasión Plástica de Dave Saritama" (Plastic Passion of Dave Saritama) at La Casa de Manuel 2017. "Paisajes" (Landscapes)

ASSOCIATION - Association of Plastic and Visual Artists of Loja

logo, designed by Julio Quitama ASSOCIATION - Asociación de Artistas Plásticos y Visuales de Loja (AAPVL) Collective dedicated to promoting Lojano culture and art. 2018 directory of officers: Paulina Salinas - President Angel Aguilar - Vice President Carlos Yaguana - Secretary Rina Huaman - Pro-Secretary Lenin Salinas - Treasurer Yorqui Llacxaguanga - legal advisor Paul Ramirez - unique vocal Recent exhibition: Interfaces 2018 in the Sala Eduardo Kingman . Phone:  +593 (07) 261-4104

ARTIST - Briggette Quezada*

"Desnudos!" (Nudes!) oil on canvas ARTIST - Briggette Quezada  (1995 - ) Studied at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). Recent exhibition: "Imágenes Sonoras" (Sound Images) in the Casona Cultural , 2018. pastel

ARTIST - Orlando Rodriguez

ARTIST - Orlando Rodríguez Studied at both Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) and Universidad Nacional de Loja (UNL). Sculptor in metal, clay and stone. Also illustration, paintings, murals, and body painting. Many of his works are public sculptures or murals in Macará. sculpture detail, from Sabiango_Macará a portion of the "Ladrilleros" set