THE ACADEMY - Diego González Ojeda

"Square in Red" 2010. Ink and watercolor.

Diego González Ojeda is a Profesor Investigator Artes Plásticas y Diseño (professor and researcher of visual arts and design) at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) - the Private Technical University of Loja (Loja's private Catholic university).  In addition to teaching painting and design, he has also created a unique multidisciplinary curriculum based on local pre-Columbian rock art petroglyphs.

Diego has a lengthy CV of qualifications and publications, including architecture, exhibition design, and historic restoration and preservation.  He also has many credits listed for solo and collaborative exhibits of his own art work.  Diego has a very well-developed web presence, and can converse in fluent Spanish, English, and French.

Contact Diego and view his art work and publications at:

Photo: Arte del Sur


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