ARTIST - Angel Aguilar*

"Rostros del futuro" (1987)

ARTIST - Angel Braulio Aguilar Masaco 

Studied artistic drawing and painting at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). Gallery owner of Galeria De Arte "Aguilar." He considers his art to have developed from 1980 through six stages, the current stage being called "Abstract Eclectic." His work has been exhibited throughout Ecuador, plus Brazil, Bolivia, Chile and Spain. His works are held in numerous private and public collections around the world.

Angel has authored three books:

  • "Las artes plasticas del siglo XX en Loja" (The visual arts of the twentieth century in Loja)
  • "Aplicacion del Diseño Estructural Tridimensional en la Escultura Contemporánea" (Application of three-dimensional structural design in contemporary sculpture)
  • "Trotamundos" (Globetrotters)

Phone:  +593 098 583-7407

Photo by Arte del Sur


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