ARTIST - Gerardo Sáez

“Aportes del género femenino desde el Mesolítico” (Contributions of the female gender from the Mesolithic) 2013

ARTIST - Gerardo Sáez Muñoz (1938-2017)

Much of his work regarded the importance of femininity and was a constant homage to women while avoiding eroticism. An homage exhibition of his work (postmortem) was held in the City Gate Gallery in June, 2018.

Born in Chile, he moved to Loja in 1976. As a professor at the National University of Loja (UNL) he influenced many developing Lojano artists.

From an article in the June 6, 2018 La Hora newspaper: “Gerardo Sáez studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the State University of Santiago de Chile, where he trained in painting and sculpture, graduating as a university professor in Pedagogy in Plastic Arts. In addition, he studied a postgraduate in Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the same institution.

“In his career as a teacher, he has been a teacher for 15 years in schools and high schools in Chile and; university professor in Ecuador, with 33 years of university teaching completed in 2010. He has made more than fifty collective painting exhibitions.”

His daughter, Tania Sáez Pezo, is also an artist.

Photo by Arte del Sur


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